
Mara Angelou

Greece is one of the top tourist destinations in the world and especially Athens, which attracts the largest number of visitors. Over the last 4 years, the spread of Airbnb has been steadily increasing. Accommodation in an area, is no longer done in hotels, hostels or apartments, but in renting entire houses or subletting rooms in houses.

In our research on accommodation in the Attica region, we were confronted with the huge number of Airbnb in relation to hotels, which is increasing day by day from 2017 until today. We noted the areas that tourists visit, depending on the number of accommodation, their type and the nights of their stay, we made a profile of each area and the type of tourist visiting. For example, in South Attica, visitors prefer larger houses, with more amenities and for more days, while in the center they prefer one bedroom houses and for fewer days.

Through this research we can have a clear picture of the area involving tourist accommodation and reflect on the Airbnb phenomenon.